Author name: pramukh jewels

6. woyie river diamond -World’s Largest Diamonds

The Woyie River Diamond was recovered on 6 January 1945 from the Woyie River near Koidu in eastern Sierra Leone. The uncut stone weighed 770 carats (154 g), and at that time it was the largest alluvial diamond ever found, and the third largest diamond discovered in Africa, after the Cullinan Diamond and the Excelsior […]

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4. incomparable diamond -World’s Largest Diamonds

The Incomparable Diamond belongs to the family of magnificent and rare yellow diamonds.It was originally found in 1984 in the Democratic Republic of Congo (what was known as Zaire) in Mbuji Mayi, a small unknown town. It has earned many titles due to its weight. When it was found, the rough diamond weighed 890 carats (about

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3. star of sierra leone diamond – World’s Largest Diamonds

The 968.9-carat (193.78 g) Star of Sierra Leone diamond was discovered by miners on February 14, 1972, in the Diminco alluvial mines in the Koidu area of Sierra Leone. It ranks as the fourth-largest gem-quality diamond and the largest alluvial diamond ever discovered. On October 3, 1972, Sierra Leone’s then-President, Siaka Stevens, announced that Harry

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1. Cullinan diamond – 3106.00 carats.-world’s largest diamonds

let’s see some world’s biggest diamonds found ever in history 1. Cullinan diamond – 3106.00 carats. founded: 1905 ( south Africa ) Cullinan DiamondThe rough diamondWeight 3,106 carats (621.2 g)Colour Near colorlessCut 105 stones of assorted cutsCountry of origin South AfricaMine of origin Premier MineCut by Joseph Asscher & Co.Original owner Premier Diamond Mining CompanyOwner

1. Cullinan diamond – 3106.00 carats.-world’s largest diamonds Read More »

silver colored pendant with green gemstone

the art of diamond polishing- buy polished diamonds

in polished diamonds, the polishing of diamonds is the most important factor. polishing quality is responsible for how diamonds are shiny. diamond polishing is subject that fully depends on the hands of diamond artisans who polish the diamond. only artisans are done with the beauty of each diamond. good polishing is shown the brilliance of

the art of diamond polishing- buy polished diamonds Read More »

silver colored ring with clear gemstone and white pearl

the diamond manufacturing process – makes for diamond jewelry

Gem Quality Diamond Distribution Chart and diamond manufacturing process. let’s understand what is happening inside the diamond industry, and how diamonds have come to your fingers. there are two main systems for selling diamonds, simple funnel. Debeers and other major diamond producers directly sell diamonds to diamond manufacturers. but are you know what they do

the diamond manufacturing process – makes for diamond jewelry Read More »

close up photo of person holding earrings

Gem Quality Diamonds – diamonds for jewelry

Gem-quality diamonds are mostly used in the jewelry industry. These quality diamonds are a good color and good quality.  we can categorize diamonds as of use like this, industrial quality diamonds useful for industry, yellow color diamonds are good for industrial use because its tough than other diamonds. the most common use of industrial diamonds is in die/

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close up photo of diamond stud silver colored eternity ring

Diamond sorting- Quality chart of Diamond

Types of Rough diamond sorting: After being found in a diamond mine, it is classified into three types,1. Primary sorting – At Mines.2. Secondary sorting or commercial sorting – At CSO / DTC and trading offices.3. Manufacturer sorting (Market sorting or Third stage of sorting) – At Manufacturing offices Different stages of Assortment -Different stages

Diamond sorting- Quality chart of Diamond Read More »