Author name: pramukh jewels

9. The Golden Jubilee Diamond – Most Famous Diamonds

The Golden Jubilee Diamond, a 545.67-carat (109.13 g) brown diamond, is the largest cut and faceted diamond in the world. It outweighs Cullinan I by 15.37 carats (3.07 g). The Golden Jubilee Diamond was discovered in the Premier Mine, which is also the origin of the Cullinan diamond (1905) and other notables such as the

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8. Daria-i-Noor Diamond – Most Expensive Diamonds

The Daria-i-Noor Diamond (Persian: دریای نور‎ which means “Sea of light” in Persian; (also spelled Darya-ye Noor) is one of the largest cut diamonds in the world, weighing an estimated 182 carats (36 g). Its color, pale pink, is one of the rarest to be found in diamonds. The Daria-i-Noor is in the Iranian Crown

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7. Taylor Burton Diamond – most expensive diamonds

Taylor Burton Diamond, a diamond weighing 68 carats (13.6 g), became notable in 1969 when it was purchased by actors Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor. Burton had previously been the under-bidder when jeweler Cartier bought the diamond at auction for $1,050,000, setting a record price for a publicly sold jewel. Thousands of people in New

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6. Tiffany- a canary yellow diamond – the most expensive diamonds

Tiffany- a canary yellow diamond, is one of the largest yellow diamonds ever discovered. Its carat weight was originally 287.42 carats (57.484 g) in the rough when discovered in 1878 in the Kimberley mine in South Africa. It was cut into a cushion shape of 128.54 carats (25.108 g) with 82 facets—24 more than a

6. Tiffany- a canary yellow diamond – the most expensive diamonds Read More »

4. The Dresden Green Diamond-World’s Most Expensive Diamonds

The Dresden Green Diamond, also known as “Dresden Green”, is 41 carat (8.2 g) natural green diamond, which probably originated in the Kollur mine in the state of Andhra Pradesh in India. The Dresden Green is a rare Type IIa, with a clarity of VS1 and it is said to be potentially internally flawless if

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3- The Cullinan Diamond-World’s Most Expensive Diamonds

The Cullinan Diamond was the largest gem-quality rough diamond ever found, weighing 3,106.75 carats (621.35 g), discovered at the Premier No.2 mine in Cullinan, South Africa, on 26 January 1905. It was named after Thomas Cullinan, the mine’s chairman. In April 1905, it was put on sale in London, but despite considerable interest, it was

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